"The hills are alive with the Sound of Music..."

"And you're five years old?
My..you are practically a lady"

"I am 16 going on 17....innocent as a rose.."

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens..."
(doesn't Kurt look adorable in this picture?)
*Note: This is a musical scene usually cut from the
version shown on television...*

"Do a deer - a female deer..."

"Re, a drop of golden sun..."

"I love rich people. I love how they live....I
love how I live when I am with them."
"I go to the hills...when my heart is

"High on the hill was a lonely goatherd..."

"You're blushing"
"Am I? I suppose I'm not used to dancing."

"So long...farewell..auf wiedersehen...goodbye"

"Climb every mountain...ford every stream"

"I must have done something good..."

"Edelweiss...edelweiss. Bless my homeland
"Reverend Mother, I have sinned.."

"Follow every rainbow....
until you find your dream" :)