" Shall We Dance? "

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Here are some more of my favorite movie dance scenes - enjoy!

~ Seven Brides for Seven Brothers ~

This is such an energetic dance!  In this scene, the brothers find themselves trying to impress their ladies by "out-dancing" the local men who are trying to win the ladies for themselves.

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers


~ Always ~

In this movie, Richard Dreyfuss plays a ghost who comes back to earth to finish a task.  During this scene, Holly Hunter (the fiancée he left behind) is sadly dancing to "their song". What she doesn't realize, of course, is that he (as a ghost) is there and he is dancing with her, too.  

Footloose1 Footloose 2 Footloose 3

~ Footloose ~

As you may already know, this movie is about a guy (Kevin Bacon) who comes to town where dancing is not allowed. In this fun little scene, Kevin Bacon goes against the rules and spends his time trying to teach his new friend how to dance.

~ In & Out ~

Although he tries to fight his feminine side, Kevin Kline's character discovers that when the music is playing, he just has to get up and dance!!

In & Out

Murphy's Romance 1 Murphy's Romance 2 Murphy's Romance 3

~ Murphy's Romance ~

In this funny little scene, Sally Field (Emma) is being pursued by two men:
Murphy (James Garner) and Emma's ex-husband, Bobby Jack. 
Unfortunately, Emma find herself on the dance floor in the middle of a tug-of-war between the two men.   Finally, she decides that "enough is enough" and tells them that if they like to dance so much, they should just dance together. 
And much to her surprise...they do!

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